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Clothes lan Food

CHO wis pindhah. Lemari Pangan anyar kita bakal mbukak ing Juli lan bakal ana ing Gréja Presbyterian Wina, 124 Taman St. NE. Sampeyan kudu nelpon kita nalika teka ing panggonan parkir. Lawang iku sing madhep Maple Avenue lan ing parkir (ndeleng panah), ora ing Park Street. Nomer telpon kita padha: 703-281-7614 kothak # 1.

Clothes Closet bakal ana ing Unity of Fairfax, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd., Oakton. Jumlahe padha. 703-679-8966.

If you need help with food or clothing, or you want to donate, please contact us.


Warehouse Furnitur CHO ing Town of Vienna's property yard dumunung ing 600 Mill St. NE, Wina VA 22180 . Saka Maple Avenue (Rute 123), nguripake Mill St. lan drive kanggo mburi werna (bab telung kwartal saka mil) to the property yard. Our warehouse is on the left side of the road about 200 yards nang gapura. peta nuduhake lokasi Warehouse; iku paling viewed ing “mode satelit.” Tulung dicathet, the warehouse is unstaffed. If you want to pick up or drop off furniture, sampeyan kudu nggawe janjian kanthi nelpon 202-681-5279 .