阿拉伯文   西班牙文  

衣櫃客戶, 請參閱此頁面 為我哋嘅所有客戶提供指南.

The Clothes Closet is located at Unity of Fairfax Church, 2854 Hunter Mill Rd, Oakton. The phone number is 703-679-8966 .

衣櫃由勞動節之後嘅星期一到陣亡將士紀念日前嘅星期一保持正常嘅服務時間. 我哋由9開始營業:星期一上午30时至中午12时. 需要預約. 如需預約,請致電703-679-8966與我們聯繫 , 或者通過電子郵件發送畀我哋喺 cho.clothes.closet@gmail.com 嘅衫. closet@gmail. 衣櫃喺聯邦假日同费尔法克斯县公立學校因惡劣天氣而關閉時唔開放.

We have a continuing need for in-season quality used clothing. Donations are accepted every Monday that we are open. Clothing is distributed to clients on each of those Mondays. 在其他時間放棄捐款, 請致電703-679-8966 或者通過電子郵件發送畀我哋喺 cho.clothes.closet@gmail.com 嘅衫. closet@gmail. 對於那些考慮大量捐贈衫嘅人, 請查看我哋嘅捐贈指南 呢度. CHO客戶唔需要嘅捐款將轉嫁畀其他慈善組織.

CHO requests the following for donations:

  • ️Clothing to be clean, in-season, and in good repair. (Please no broken zippers or soiled items.)
  • ️We accept bed linens, blankets, and towels. It is very helpful if the size of sheets and blankets are indicated (ie. king, queen, full, and twin).
  • ️We do accept kitchen household items. Due to space limitations, we can not accept small appliances.
  • ️We accept clean, washable jackets year round and will store them for the proper season.
  • ️We accept baby items and children’s toys.